3 Tips For Success With Geo-Based Marketing

Geo-based or location-based marketing is about using technology to target potential customers in a specific geographical area. There are many different ways that geo-based marketing plays out. Geo-based marketing is about using analytics to reach your ideal customer base through a variety of different technology tools.

#1 Use Your Blog

One of the ways that you can reach your target audience is through your blog. Instead of posting a bunch of evergreen content on your company blog, create blog posts that are specific to your area.

Write about events, people, and places that are specific to your area. Writing about local topics with optimized tags that relate to your local area is one way to reach a specific, location-based market. Using location-based tags with your post will help search engines find and index your post so that it appears when people search for local information.

#2 Use Direct Mail

When you use geo-based marketing, you are able to collect information about potential customers. You can use this information to reserve engineer their addresses based on the I.P. address of their search engine.

You can then take their addresses and send out direct mail to their homes. Sending direct mail marketing materials to their homes is a great way to reach your customer base. Direct mail helps establish you as a presence both on and offline and can help you build your business. Sending out direct mail advertising, combined with your online efforts, is another way to target your market at a specific geographical location.

If you don't want to get so technical and reverse engineer physical addresses from I.P. addresses, you can also just send out direct mail to everyone in the target address you want to connect with. You may reach out to people who have been to your website, and you may get new web-traffic from these efforts.

#2 Use Location-Based Coupons

There are numerous location-based coupon apps which allow companies to connect with a customers who are based in their particular location. There are a wide variety of apps and websites where you can set-up a business account and post a deal that will reach your local market. Examples of apps and websites include Groupon, Shopular, ShopAdisor, Notify Nearby, and RetailNotMet. These are just a few examples of sites and apps that help connect customers with local deals. This is a great way to connect with local consumers and let them know about a special deal or event that you are hosting in a timely manner.  

#3 Use Mobile Marketing

Next, when you have a special event to advertise, use mobile marketing. Most of the popular social media applications allow you to either directly or indirectly market to your target audience.

For example, on Facebook, you could pay for an advertising campaign that targets a specific demographic in a specific area. An Twitter, you can use strategic keywords to reach a local audience, and pay to promote your post. There are similar opportunities on other social media platforms to engage in producing more targeting content.

The key to geo-based marketing is to know who your target customer is, and to use that information to guide the content that you put on the internet and how you connect with your customers in the physical world as well. A content marketing specialist can help your company.
